21/10/2016 U32. 24"Long. Go System Gas Products Promotional Submarine.
I have built the U32 for the good people at the Go System Gas Company. They are the premier supplier of just about every conceivable portable gas related product imaginable. I recently visited their manufactory at Stockport where they let me have loads of cans to build boats,there is a long association with Stockport and compressed gas,indeed the Roman name for the town was Cannus Propanus founded in 74AD. Truth is, I really do use all their stuff to build my models! its great gear, consistent and good value , thanks to them I dont need to hunt around for tins anymore.This boat is a basic six plate hull which is made from Four"Go System" 350g butane propane mix cans. The chaps at Go system wanted their graphics on the outside! cant imagine why? she is now permanently moored in the Boardroom at Head Office in Macclesfield.